Friday, August 12, 2011


Originally submitted at UncommonGoods

Stake a claim on outdoor whimsy with wind-surfing garden owls that gently sway in the breeze. Fun and a touch exotic, these feathered friends are sure to be a hit--and a hoot--on any landscape. A playful way to introduce wildlife to green spaces, these little wonders are sure to bring a smile to ...

Faith can move mountains, owls included.

By vfc from columbia, sc on 8/12/2011


4out of 5

Pros: Safe for children, Unlikely to drop feathers, Quirky, Not safe for rodents, Attractive Design, Visible At A Distance

Cons: Lives oh so far away, Unable to have one for me

Best Uses: Bathroom, Porch, Front Yard, Neighbor's yards, Roof, Balcony, Kitchen, Garden, Back Yard

Describe Yourself: Budget Shopper

i am so totally convinced of the quality and delightfulness of any uncommon goods product I do not even have to see it to review it. i sent this to my beloved sister in law, who has exquisite taste with the full expectation that she will love it. that's faith. that's praise. that's uncommon goods. uncommonly GOOD.
